Thinking of starting a glamping business?

Do you dream of changing your life and setting up your own glamping site? Like any new business, it’s not always easy and you have to get the basics right. So here are some tips to help you along the way.

What’s your motivation?
First you need to work out exactly why you want to start a glamping business – did you stay at one as a guest and loved the experience? Is it a way of leaving behind the nine to five routine of work? Or do you see it as a financial opportunity? Can you bring something new to the market? Identify your motivation and write a list of the pros and the cons – so that you have a realistic view of what you want to achieve.

Who are you targeting?
If you’re all fired up and ready to start a glamping business, which potential market are you targeting? Is it families with children, couples, maybe the wedding market or groups of people wanting a wellness retreat? Couples seeking a romantic trip away from it all may not want to stay next to a family with young children, for example.

Other things to consider include: what is their average age? Where do they come from? What are their interests? What do they want from a holiday? Having identified who you are going to target then you can create a persona for your ideal guest – a representation of the type of person you really want to stay at your site. To find out how personas are used in the travel industry, read more here.

Location and accommodation
What’s your ideal location? Is it near the coast, or in a forest? Is it close to a city or tourist destination? Is it close to good transport links? Location is vital, as is the type of accommodation you choose, whether that is a luxury safari tent  or a larger lodge that’s suitable for family groups. We are passionate about glamping and make a wide range of accommodation to suit all types of guests from the Sparkle designed for couples looking for a romantic break to the Dreamer designed for families seeking for luxury and space.

Laws and regulations
When you start your glamping business you will need to comply with local rules and regulations and get the necessary permits and paperwork. This will vary from country to country and local authorities may also have their own rules too. Start by contacting the local authority to find out what you need to do.

You will need a business plan if you are applying for finance from a bank. Businesses in any sector can fail and it’s often down to bad planning. You will need to produce a business plan that sets out all the details of how this business will work – including the target market, what makes your business different from the competition, how the glamping market is expanding and your projected income. You will also need to produce a cost-benefit analysis. You can find more information on how to produce a good business plan here.

Other things to consider
You will need to create a strong brand and identity for your business. What are you going to call your glamping site? How are you going to market it? How will you reach potential guests? Have you got a good website? Can you sign up with local tourist organisations, for example, so they can help promote your site. If you want to find out more about starting a glamping business, feel free to contact us.

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